Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Apartment

It's Saturday night in Sliven and my computer is working so I thought I would put up a brief post about my apartment and the happenings of this week. I taught the same summer English classes again this week. We reviewed what they had already learned and worked on:

Animal vocab including "lives on a farm" vs. "lives in the wild"
What do you like to do?
Bulgarian flag and USA flag comparison

Here are a few photos of the students and their flag drawings (all of the students are between 8 and 12):

Before I move on to some photos of my apartment, I had to include a photo of my cat.
Here is Popitsa:
And, here is some fruit I bought this week, it was delicious.

I am living in an apartment building in Sliven. My apartment is a communist style block apartment building and has about 10 floors. I live in a one room apartment and thank goodness I'm not on the highest level. It has been working fairly well thus far (even though it is quite hot right now). Anyways, below are a variety of photos of my place. Enjoy!
Here is a view of the futbol yard where boys come play almost every night.

Money well spent (vaccuum) :

My lock, from the inside:
My main living space, the "couch" closest to you is also my bed.

Here is a view back toward the door to my living space. You now have a better view of my bed/couch and my storage space.

Here is the entrance into my apartment, from the kitchen:

My Bathroom:
My toilet, the tube to the left you can see goes to my shower. The way my bathroom is set up everything just gets wet and I stand on the other side of the toilet to bathe.

Here is how you flush the toilet:

A look into my kitchen: Here is my kitchen table, it's actually a school desk:

Here is the main part of my kitchen. Thank goodness I have a washing machine!

Here is the other part of my kitchen. The stove/oven and the refrigerator..
My fridge:

Why freezers are called ice boxes (mine obviously doesn't work very well):

Popitsa, watching the laundry:

Please do not hesitate to comment and/or ask questions about my blog or my time here in Bulgaria. I will try my best to find an answer. Sorry things weren't very descriptive, I was simply trying to get some photos up for all of you who have asked.


  1. Very nice and I love that you named your cat, Popitsa!!!

  2. thanks, hope you're enjoying your new home and can't wait to see you next week!

  3. It looks like very simple living Kate. I'm glad you have a cat to keep you company in your space :)

  4. Thanks El, yes simple living is what it is. I can't wait for my new computer to come so I can communicate more often and get some entertainment/news. Miss you, hope your summer is ending well!
