Wednesday, October 5, 2011

3rd Grade

Today was International Teacher's Day which meant I was wished a "Happy Holiday" by several staff and students. However the best parts of the day were during my 3rd grade lessons. As I am fortunate enough to team teach everything for third grade, there is a bit of flexibility. I teach with three different women and we have recently started with the routine of we are both in the room for the first 10 minutes of class in which we go over new vocabulary, pronunciation, or dialogues. Then I go into the hallway with two students in order for me not only to assess their knowledge but to teach them some fun small group games and get to know them better. Then we come back into the room when there are 5 to 10 minutes left (classes are 40 minutes long) and we all go over information again or play a game.

Today, one girl reminded me that the photos I have taken of them are not online so they are now! They can be found under the "Links" section and are titled "3rd Grade". Enjoy!

Second, I received not only a card but some beads and a bracelet today all handmade from students which was extremely thoughtful and appreciated.

And third, after one of the classes was finished with their test we all sat in the front of the room looking at books (English Children's Literature). Three girls sat with me while I read them a few books and upon me leaving the room I received quite the group hug. Fabulous end to the day!

Peace, Love, Literacy, and Reckless Curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. I learned something new - "rabbit ears" behind someone's head while taking their picture is universal! What a fun day and great group kids!
