Sunday, May 27, 2012


Yesterday I was able to attend the 12th grader's prom/ball. After students graduate 12th grade most students have a ball to celebrate with their classmates, dates, and teachers. The students invite whichever teachers they want to attend the ball (just under 1/4 of my colleagues attended). Since there aren't a great deal of students in the upper grades at my school they are close to one another. It was great to see them all having a wonderful time together before they start their post-high school life. I didn't stay until the end but I'm sure they partied until morning.

After meeting up in the city garden everyone walked to the biggest square in town to take photos and gather. Then we all went to the hotel/restaurant they had chosen. There was dinner, drinks (they can all legally drink since the age here is 18), and dancing. They also brought fireworks which they lit off after the main course of dinner was served.

Random Fact: The national Bulgarian radio station plays the national anthem at midnight every night, I heard it in my taxi ride home.

Peace, Love, Literacy, and Reckless Curiosity.


  1. Wow, those dresses are stylish!

  2. They know how to do satin, that's for sure. My favorite "look" of all the girls was Stacy who is in a mermaid cut black dress with her hair in a bun.
