Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One Last Post

I've been back in Minnesota for a few weeks now and figured I should write one last post. Everything went very well with my flights back here from Bulgaria and I received all the packages I had sent myself which was great. Upon arrival I was even surprised by some friends and family at a Mexican restaurant we had planned on stopping at for dinner which was great. While it's been good catching up with people it's definitely been a transition being back filled with a mix of feelings I can't quite put into words all that well. Some of the things brought up in "The hardest adjustment..." ring true while others are not even issues. I want all of you in Bulgaria to know that you are missed and we will have to keep in contact now that we are far away. All my love. -Kate


  1. Hi - I'm currently a junior in college, and I've been seriously considering joining the Peace Corps after I graduate. I was born in Bulgaria, but I grew up in the US, and I'd really like to hear about your experience volunteering there. If you have a chance to share your story, please let me know!

  2. Hey Katelyn, i have been in Sliven for about 3 weeks now and so far so good, i got in touch with Amy who is great. I am looking for a tutor to help me with my Bulgarian and she suggested i ask you for the contact details of your mentor. If you can think of anyone else who might be up for it, please let me know. Ok, hope you are well! Greetings from windy Sliven.
