Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's less than a week until Christmas and there is snow on the ground. I have heard from colleagues that Sliven doesn't generally get much snow but we at least have enough to make things a bit prettier for the time being. There are also decorations for the Christmas everywhere. All the restaurants, stores, and schools have things looking good for the holidays. We have a four day school week and then I will be headed to northwest Bulgaria to spend the holidays with my host family from training. I'm excited to see them and have a traditional Bulgarian Christmas. Another volunteer is also coming with my to my host family's house and then we will both visit with the other families we met during training. Plus, on Tuesday we are playing games and doing crafts with kids we know from training. It will be great to see them all again as well. Now, I just have to talk to my neighbor to see if she can check in on my cats while I'm away.

I wanted to post another entry to my blog today to show you some of the videos from a Christmas program I watched last week. On Thursday there was a collaborative Christmas concert between a Kindergarten, Special Needs Center for adults, and our 12th graders. Here are some videos from the day:

I wanted to post one more video but I couldn't get it to upload. I'll try to post it in the next post. 

Me and 2 of the other teachers in the teacher's room.

Practicing for the performance:

Two girls sang:

Two of the 12th graders in traditional attire:

One of the 12th graders with one of the women from the center next door:

Two men from the center and one of our 12th grade boys:

Two women performing a traditional dance:

12th grade girls:

Two of the 12th grade boys dancing and carrying on of the Kindergarten girls:

Traditional dancing:

Our school is having their concerts this week so I'll make sure to take videos and photos to blog on them later on. I hope you all had a great Sunday and have a great week!

Peace, love, and literacy.


  1. Looks like you're having a great time! Merry Christmas and have fun with your host families!

  2. Thanks Adrienne! I will have a great holiday, I hope yours is great as well!

  3. Thanks for posting that last video. It was so sweet to see the students working so well with the special needs folks :) Miss you! Your cousin, Lori

  4. Lori, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
