Monday, December 20, 2010

Another video to add to yesterday's post

This video was meant to go with the last post but I couldn't get it to upload last time. Here it is:

Also, I have to share a story:

Today was a great day for multiple reasons but most of all, the father of one of my students stopped me during one of my breaks to chat. Turns out he speaks pretty decent English so we could chat pretty well. He told me that his son loves coming to English because of me! It was a great compliment as he said his son did not like English at his last school and really enjoys having me. This is a kid who isn't even in the top half of the English class and consistently receives failing grades. I was so happy to hear it since teaching English is the main reason I'm here in Bulgaria! I hope you're all having a great day and week!


  1. That is the ultimate compliment for a teacher! Congratulations! It makes all the frustrations and hard work very worthwhile! LYL Mom

  2. I loved this most recent video! Beautiful dancing by all!

  3. Thanks mom! I'll talk to you Thursday!
