Monday, June 4, 2012

Roses and Goodbyes

This last weekend I was able to go to Kazanluk for the Rose Festival. I went last year so I knew what to expect but this year was equally as good if not better. I went Saturday morning and was with a nice, small group of volunteers. Saturday we first went to Buzludja, then had lunch, then hung out a bit and at night watched fireworks and saw some traditional dance and singing performances. Sunday morning we headed out to the rose fields were there were many community groups set up in traditional attire. We also were able to pick roses and take lots of photos. Afterward a nice man even gave us a ride back to the city in the horse cart he was driving, great fun! Then was the the parade which was good but very hot since it was full sun yesterday. Afterward we walked around a bit, got something to eat and then I headed back to Sliven. It was a bit strange leaving as I have no real idea if I'll see those volunteers again since we'll all be in different places after leaving Bulgaria. This whole month is filled with goodbyes which just makes for a strange set of emotions. Up until this point in my life goodbye has usually meant goodbye for a while but many of my goodbyes right now may mean forever. I don't quite know any other way to put it right now, it's just strange. Anyway, onto a few photos to highlight the weekend :)

Peace, Love, Literacy, and Reckless Curiosity.


  1. Hi Katelyn, you don´t know me but i randomly stumbled over your blog and have greatly enjoyed it. I was offered a teaching assistantship in Sliven for 1 year starting this autumn, while i haven´t accepted yet, your entries have made it seem more.. real instead of just a place name somewhere far away and now i am inclined to accept. I hope your last few weeks go well and don´t be afraid of saying goodbye, the world has become a much smaller place and if you really want to, you will be able to see these people again. And even if not, the memories you shared will enrich your life forever. Sorry if i went all sentimental there for a second but i have moved around quite a bit and that way of thinking usually helps me. If i do miss some folks at times, i just look up into the stars and think about how we are all looking at the same stars no matter where we are (as long as you don´t take the time difference into account :P ) Anyway, keep up the good work! Greetings from Scotland

  2. Thanks so much for the honest, sweet message. I have definitely enjoyed my time here in Sliven and wish you the best of luck on your decision and potential teaching assistantship. Thanks again :)
