Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful leap day as mine has been going very well. I woke up to a beautiful, clear sunrise filled with warm pinks and reds, then caught the bus to school, at school I got a bit of work done before classes with the 3rd graders began. English went well for the most part and all the students were full of hugs and compliments. After school the spelling group did better than they previously had during our mock spelling bee which was good to see. We’ve got some nice rivalries going. Then I was able to walk home in the snow. There are currently large, fluffy flakes floating down. My hair was quite the sight by the time I got to my apartment. Anyway, since it’s leap day and all here’s a little something extra:

-According to an old Irish legend, St. Bridget made a deal with St. Patrick so that women could propose to men on Leap Day. This was to help balance the roles of men and women just as how Leap Day balances the calendar.

-In Scotland it is considered unlucky to be born on Leap Day.

-In Greece, it's unlucky for couples to be married during a leap year and especially on Leap Day.

-Dinah Shore was born on Leap Day in 1916 (American singer).

-Egyptians were the first group of people to add a Leap Day every four years. However, the Romans chose February 29th as the official date.

-A person's chance of being born on a Leap Day is approximately 1 in 1500.

Have a wonderful leap day!

Tomorrow is a big holiday here in Bulgaria so I'm sure I'll have another post up this weekend if not before about the day's festivities. It's one of my favorites :)

It's also currently Peace Corps Week as we celebrate the anniversary tomorrow, March 1st. And to celebrate I even got a letter today from congressman Tim Walz who represents the 1st district of MN. Thanks!

Peace, Love, Literacy, and Reckless Curiosity.

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