Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I love third grade!

My day started off with sleeping in since I currently teach 2nd shift (this means 1:20 - 5:30 regular classes). After doing some work, watching Glee, and eating lunch, I walked to work. My teaching day started at 1pm with the after school spelling group (3rd and 4th grade are the only ones who trade off for morning or afternoon shift, everyone else is in the morning). This group is comprised of 4th through 6th grade students and each week we have a spelling bee based on a certain number of words from the wordlist. Today’s bee was from all the A-C words. What started off as a good, energetic group soon became problematic. In the middle of the spelling bee, I ended up asking two students to leave. One of the students was simply continuously talkative and noisy even after several warnings that he needed to be quiet. The other student continued to use language inappropriate for a learning environment (who has been told many times in the past that he needs to refrain from speaking with such words during school). I think it is the most serious the students have ever seen me get though I was happy I was able to continue sitting in my “judges” chair and watch them walk out. This was all thanks to the other students in the room. You see my spelling kids are there to learn and they honestly want to not only do well in the competition but also learn English. I was happy they were all on my side and happy to see the boys leave. We then had a wonderful class. The boys are welcome to come back next week however I hope they now understand the severity of their actions. Therefore, my school day didn’t start out in the best way however once the 2 boys had left everything was good and we finished our bee with the top 3 kids choosing prizes from a poster, track bag, and sticker sheet.

Then it was on to third grade. Let me emphasize how much I ENJOY teaching 3rd grade this year. No matter how disruptive a class may get these are some extremely kind, caring, and compliment-filled children. Most days I get plenty of hugs and today one of the girls even gave me a kiss on the cheek. Today we played Bingo at the end of each class which is always a good time and the students are usually super excited for prizes which always consist of stickers and something else. Today there were also toothbrushes and Justin Beiber Valentines (complete with a temporary tattoo). Since I had lesson until the last hour I also had the pleasure of walking away from school with several students. They were very sweet and all wished me a nice break. We have Thursday and Friday off of school. Anyways, I just wanted to share a day that went from good to okay to great. I hope you’re all having an enjoyable Wednesday :) I promise to post photos and videos in the next post. 

Peace, Love, Literacy, and Reckless Curiosity.

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