Tuesday, April 17, 2012

EFL Enrichment Workshop Sliven

Today was the first of the five EFL Enrichment Workshops I am facilitating which happened right here in Sliven! I was very excited to finally get to see all of my work go into action. Everything went very well and I got a lot of great feedback. I only hope I get full attendance for the other workshops as I do believe it is helpful, useful information for any 2nd-6th EFL teacher here in Bulgaria.

Thanks again to everyone who donated to my PCPP as those are the funds paying for the materials and books the teachers received. The next four workshops will happen by the end of May and I'll make sure to post about each of them and give more statistics and information once I've received feedback from all participants. For now, I will mention that 13 Bulgarian teachers attended today and in total they teach over 1000 students. That's an awesome impact the teaching of English here in Bulgaria and it's only the first workshop :)

Peace, Love, Literacy, and Reckless Curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a successful first workshop!
