Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's gonna be emotional...in 2 months that is.

A strange set of a emotions have started to set in as I’m realizing just how close I am to finishing my service here in Bulgaria. My COS (close of service) is two months from tomorrow. I’m extremely satisfied with my site and am glad for all the wonderful students and teachers I’ve been able to work with. I’ve been so busy with getting projects done and completing things for the teaching workshops I’m facilitating that I haven’t really taken the time to truly think about how I feel. While I’m excited to go back to the states, see my family and friends, and start graduate school, I’m also sad to be leaving the life I’ve known for the last two years. Plus, while I may travel back to Bulgaria to visit sometime in the future, I have no idea right now if that will actually happen. It will be hard to say goodbye to so many people who have become part of my life. Everyone at my school gives me such great feedback and the students are so kind (usually) that I’m guessing the end of the school year (end of May) will involve quite a bit of tears.

While I agree that service is what you put into it, my experiences here in Bulgaria have succeeded anything I imagined when I first set foot in country. I’ve had my ups and downs but there has been much more good than bad and many more positive experiences than negative ones. I’m truly happy and am trying to enjoying every day I’ve got left J

Peace, Love, Literacy, and Reckless Curiosity.


  1. Our gain...Bulgaria's loss but I have a feeling you will get back there someday and reminisce with all those who have become dear to you!
    I am so looking forward to having you back in the states as are many, many others!
    LYL Mom

  2. Thanks, I look forward to seeing all of you as well :)
