Thursday, January 13, 2011

There are days

There are DEFINITELY days here in Bulgaria where I feel like I have done nothing and ask myself what I am doing here. However, today was not one of those days!

The morning did not start out well with me waking up at the exact time I am suppose to leave my apartment however I got to school by the time my class started so everything was just fine (thanks to a taxi). Nothing too exciting happened with the 12th graders though they were happy to be in the computer room today so they would have time to be on the internet.

Then, the cleaning lady stopped by our room to give me package! I received some wonderful People magazines from my lovely cousin Rebecca! Thanks babe. Not only will I enjoy looking at and reading them but the eleventh graders had a great time looking through them and my counterpart was excited to have the magazines in person and not online (because you know the magazine has more information).

With 6A, 5A, and 5V we worked on parts for the video we are making for students back in Minnesota. Today we did short school tours and one student talked about the weather in Bulgaria. They are always excited to work on things outside of the English book so it was a good day. We will hopefully be able to finish filming next week so I can edit and have the video sent by the last week in January!

When school was finished, I headed to the center with a fellow English teacher to attend a seminar put on by a publishing company. It was a mixture of training and endorsements of their English curriculum. It was actually fairly interesting and was heavily attended. It was also great to be in a place with all the English teachers in the area as I was able to promote the Bulgarian National English Spelling Bee. This year the Peace Corps, along with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, are putting on a spelling bee. I am getting students together at my school because we will start practicing next semester. And, I even won a DVD for our school at the end of the seminar!

On the walk out of the High School where the seminar was, I met another English teacher who is a friend of my counterpart. My counterpart was so thoughtful as she said "we got lucky with her" in reference to having a Peace Corps volunteer. It really made my day.

Then I paid my internet bill, bought a new battery for my watch, and got some groceries. The walk home was nice as I didn't buy too many things. Once I was back to my place, I made some dinner and watched some online TV.

I could go on to tell all the other things of this week but I'll keep this entry a bit more positive and optimistic. Yesterday was the 8 month anniversary of me being in Bulgaria. I can't believe I've already been here for so long and at the end of the month I will have been a Peace Corps Volunteer for 6 months.

The sunset from my apartment building yesterday:

A few of my crazy first graders:

Long but great day! Tomorrow is Friday and then it's the weekend!


  1. The video is a great idea! I need ideas for my sip class - I'll keep that in mind!

  2. Thanks Age, it's really fun. A lot of work definitely in planning, executing, and editing but a really fun way to share. I know my friend's class is anxiously awaiting our video as we received her class's video in the beginning of December! See you the end of the month.

  3. Awesome! I'm so glad they are in to it! It sounds like you had a very productive and positive day, even if you leave out the other parts of your week :). My students did ask about you guys today. I think one kids exact words were "I hope it didn't get lost over email. Bulgaria looks far away..." Don't worry about it at all!

  4. I'm glad your students are interested and I think we can definitely get the videos sent over by the end of the month. We are filming more on Tuesday. Bulgaria IS far way for sure but emails seem to arrive in a timely manner.

  5. May i watch a video from spelling bee?
